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Our America Is a land of moral fiber and determination. We are on Our Honor to Do Our Best to Do Our Duty to God & Country. |
The Troop's Beginnings This page last edited on: Monday, November 19, 2007
Our American Town | Colonial Beach, VA
AMERICA’S ROOTS and Boy Scouting run deep in the Town of Colonial Beach and in the surrounding counties of Westmoreland, Richmond, Lancaster, and Northumberland. George Washington was born here in the Northern Neck, as was James Monroe, Richard Henry Lee, and Robert E. Lee. The first president’s birthplace is a point of pride in this Northern Neck county—as is the home of the Lee family—which includes the only two brothers to sign the Declaration of Independence and Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The Potomac River, the Colonial equivalent of Interstate 95, was the thoroughfare that made Westmoreland an 18th-century political power. Its waters and the fertile fields stretching from its shore westward to the Rappahannock River provided a living for the fathers of our Founding Fathers. They still do for many farmers and fishermen there. In Westmoreland, the same toil that helped build a nation continues today BSA Troop 258, Colonial Beach, Virginia, Our History and Our Town | by F. A. Alger, Jr., SM In late spring of 1998 a small group of adult members of the Town of Colonial Beach met at the Colonial Beach Baptist Church with several members of the Robert E. Lee Council and the Northern Neck District of the Boy Scouts of America. As a result of that meeting BSA Troop 258, Town of Colonial Beach, was formed as an extension of the local BSA Cub Scout Pack 258, sponsored by the Colonial Beach Baptist Church. A surprise was in store for us shortly after forming the Troop and recruiting a handful of young men in the community. As with many Troops our identity had to be established.... other than uniforms for our Troop, we sorely needed a Troop Flag that represented us as the Colonial Beach Boy Scout Troop. To our rescue came a friend known to many about town as a man with a heart of gold.... Carl Willett, a Scout Leader from BSA Troop 255, located in Oak Grove, Virginia. Imagine the looks on our faces when he presented us with a BSA Troop Flag, number 258, Colonial Beach, VA.... He had found the original Troop Flag from a previous Troop 258 in Town some 20 years earlier. It had laid around waiting for us for a long time. At present we have eight active duty boy scouts, and four active duty adult scout leaders. Some of these adult leaders wear two or more hats.... they are active with both the Cub Pack and the Scout Troop, without them we would be lost and adrift in a sea of confusion. The active scouts are spread out in age from 11 years to going on 17 years... they are active in their school, community, and churches... they keep their grades up in school while participating in track, basketball, football; help out with community activities such as the half, double and triple triathlons, EMT training exercises, Scouting for Food, Cub Scouts Olympics, and much, much more. I will be updating this history page as soon as we discover more about the original Troop 258 of Colonial Beach.... sounds like detective work that the Scouters would enjoy. Much has happen since last report.... we have lost members and we have gain some back... Colonial Beach is a very small tourist type town, and everyone seems to be busy with one thing or another. The past year has been especially rough on both the Pack and the Troop. We have had many of the younger Scouters in the Pack move and or not be replaced with other scouts recruits.... this is the smallest Pack in a long time for Colonial Beach. This also effects the Troop as well, fewer Crossover from WEBELOS to the Troop in the Spring. While Nation-wide the ranks of scouting seems to be expanding, we are shrinking in size. At present we have a total seven active duty boy scouts, and four active duty adult scout leaders, 1 Scoutmaster, Two Assistant Scoutmasters, and our Committee Chairperson. The active scouts are spread out in age from 11 years to going on 14 years... they are a great bunch of boys. Recently the Troop participated in a walking tour (15 mile hike) around the Nation's Capital. Using the parking lot at the Pentagon, the Troop moved out at approximately 1000 Hrs for the Arlington memorial Bridge to our first stop of the day, the Lincoln memorial. From there the Scouts moved out in the direction of the Korean Memorial site and was moved by the sight of the statues portraying a platoon of American Ground-ponders. As they stepped out towards the Washington Monument they passed the John Paul Jones Memorial, a man who never gave up, after passing the Washington Monument they strolled down the concourse of the Mall. The Japanese Drummers celebrating the Cherry Blossom Festival were performing at point, and further down it was the inspiring sounds of the Scottish pipes at a gathering of the clans on the Mall. Stopping at the Reflecting Pool in front of Union Square the Scouts paused for a quick bite to eat before moving on the U.S. Capital Building and it's awe inspiring architecture. Rounding the back side of the Capital Building the Scouts swung a 180 and proceeded back down Constitution Avenue, past Capital Plaza, the Taft Memorial, the Department of labor and the Federal Court House, and through John Marshall Park. Turning off of Constitution Avenue onto Pennsylvania Avenue, the Troop Stopped at the U.S. Naval Memorial & Navy Heritage Center. It was time for the Blessing of the Fleet Ceremony with waters from the Seven Seas and the Great Lakes. They passed through Freedom Plaza and Pershing Square, headed down E Street towards the back yard of the Presidents house. Paused to see the "Zero Milestone" in the Ellipse, turn left at 17th Street and headed for the "Memorial to the Signers of the Declaration of Independence". From there they quietly marched along the "Viet Nam Veterans Memorial" AKA "The Wall". Traveling past "The Wall" brought them full circle and back to the "Lincoln Memorial" once again. A troop of tired Scouts and leaders passed once more over the "Arlington Memorial Bridge" and headed back to the Pentagon Parking lot for a long ride home to Colonial Beach. The Troop attended the yearly Spring Camporee at Red Oak Nursery in the Montross, VA. During this Camporee the area Troops were gauged by Commissioners from both Northern Neck and Rappahannock Districts. Under the leader ship of Matt M., the current SPL, Troop 258 earned and was awarded the Commissioner's Cup. This was a very outstanding showing by the small troop who stood out among their peers from two different districts. The Troop also raised for the first time at a Camporee the flag of Colonial Beach. This flag was presented to the Troop by Colonial Beach's Mayor George W. Bone, an Eagle Scout himself. Thank You Mayor Bone. Two weekends ago the Troop braved the elements atop the peaks of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Climbing through the clouds surrounding the peaks, the two car convoy pierced the veil of clouds and emerged into late afternoon sunshine above the clouds. Arriving sometime later at Mathew's Arm State Park, the scouts set-up in the drizzling mist, cooked in the steady downpour of the evening, and went to sleep listening to the sounds of rain drops making lullaby music on their tents. Surviving the night, not completely dry, but surviving the young men woke to the smell of coffee brewing on the fire.... No they didn't get any coffee! Soon the assigned cooks had they butter melting, the eggs frying, and the hash browns burning. Late morning found them on the "Trace", a trail that circles around Mathew's Arm, complete with old run-downed farm houses and fields. They visited the "Big Falls". many of the Troop ventured down to the Fall's bottom, But not the SM ( I know my limits). By late afternoon we found ourselves approaching the Campsites from the West (We had left hiking to the East) and the boys were ready for breather at camp... Right! After a small moment of silence (15-20 minutes)... they were up and playing catch and what not, fully rested for the moment anyway. Again that night we retired to the sounds of rain drumming its incessant beat upon our tents, though not as hard or unrelenting as the night before. Morning arrived much too soon, and as the moments passed the sounds of the Scouts preparing their breakfast floated on the air. Again the smell of coffee being brewed, pancakes and sausage cooking, the clinking of plates and cups, the sighs and stretching sounds emitted by the Scoutmasters, battle worn but pleased with the Scout's endeavors of the weekend. Dishes cleaned, Tents dropped and rolled and stored, the sweep of the bivouac area by the Scouts... leaving it better then when they got there. Loading the vans, head count one more time.... Nick! where are YOU! Tony get your brother...NOW! Matt, Tony, Trevor... round them up and load them up... we're burning daylight... let's go, we have a Cub Scout Graduation tonight! Sir, yes Sir! All present and accounted for SM... And so ended another weekend in the great outdoors of America, high in the clouds of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. May the Great Scout Master of all Scouts, be with you all till we meet again, adios mis amigos.
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